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Oral Health

The Link Between Your Oral Health and Your Heart Health

Since your youth, you have learned about the importance of brushing your teeth twice a day and maintaining your oral health. Did you know that being diligent with your oral care does more than prevent tooth decay? It also helps other important parts of the body such as your heart. The American Heart Association suggests that you can help lower the risk of developing certain cardiovascular diseases by properly brushing your teeth for two minutes per day. This is in addition to findings that your gum health is also linked to your heart health.

When Was Your Last Checkup With Us?

When was the last time you visited our office for a routine hygiene examination and cleaning? If it has been longer than six months, then you are definitely due for a visit. We know that life is busy, and it always seems like something important is happening. No matter how busy your life may be, it is imperative to make your dental health a priority. Even though it is only August, fall and winter will be here before you know it! Now is the perfect time to call and schedule your next appointment, even if you aren’t overdue! Read on to learn more about the importance of routine dental care in our office.

Can Your Medications Affect Your Oral Health?

Medications are often prescribed to assist with an illness or a long-term medical condition. While these medications are often used to improve your health, there are various side-effects that can negatively affect your oral health. When under the weather or dealing with a medical complication, the effect medications can have on your oral health is not always your first concern; however, many medications, prescribed and over-the-counter, can have lasting negative effects on your teeth and gums.

Can Drinking Water Improve Oral Health?

Water is one beverage that offers many benefits to overall health, so much so that companies have created water bottles with time indicators to encourage us to drink large quantities of water throughout the day. Water has many health benefits and can be beneficial in flushing harmful toxins from the body. When a patient is experiencing a health complication, medical professionals will often encourage them to increase their water intake. Dentists are no different. Water can have an amazing positive impact on your oral health.

Is Chewing Gum Beneficial To Your Oral Health?

At Parkside Dental Care, we love to share tips and tricks for better oral health and to prevent tooth decay and other problems with your teeth and mouth. Did you know that chewing gum can be beneficial to your oral health? You may think that we have gone crazy, but it’s true. Many people would consider chewing gum a form of candy, so they don’t chew it as often as they probably should. We do want to clarify that sugar-free gum is beneficial, not gum that is loaded with sugar.

Top 3 Lifestyle Choices Affecting Your Oral Health

Our top priority is helping you look great and feel good about your oral health. One of the best ways to achieve optimal oral health is to make wise choices in your daily life that do not negatively affect your teeth and gums. Unfortunately, some of the patients we see have not always made the best decisions, and it has affected their oral health. While some patients experience immediate problems, others can expect to have issues in the near future. We want to share some lifestyle choices that patients need to be mindful of to ensure they do not experience issues with their oral health. Read on to learn more.

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