Can Drinking Water Improve Oral Health?

Can Drinking Water Improve Oral Health?

May 15, 2022

Water is one beverage that offers many benefits to overall health, so much so that companies have created water bottles with time indicators to encourage us to drink large quantities of water throughout the day. Water has many health benefits and can be beneficial in flushing harmful toxins from the body. When a patient is experiencing a health complication, medical professionals will often encourage them to increase their water intake. Dentists are no different. Water can have an amazing positive impact on your oral health.

Why is Drinking Water Beneficial?

Water is an excellent tool to assist with ridding the mouth of harmful bacteria. Unlike sugary beverages like soda, juice, and sports drinks, water leaves no residue behind that can damage teeth. Water helps remove lingering food particles and prevent plaque and tartar from building up. It is beneficial when brushing and flossing is not an option.

Water Can Strengthen Teeth

Many community water systems contain fluoride, a mineral that assists in strengthening tooth enamel, helping to fend off decay. Water with fluoride can be particularly beneficial to young children. It is important to note that filtered water and most bottled water lack the fluoride needed to make a positive impact on your oral health. We offer fluoride treatments to patients who may not be receiving it in their community water.

Helps Prevent Dry Mouth

Dry mouth occurs when there is a lack of saliva in the mouth. Over time, this can lead to an increase in dental decay and other oral complications. Dry mouth can be caused by numerous medications as well as smoking and tobacco use. An increase in water intake can help maintain the moisture your mouth needs.

If you are concerned about the state of your oral health, be sure to contact our office located in Montgomery, AL. We are more than happy to evaluate the state of your teeth and make treatment recommendations. We also encourage patients to schedule an appointment for a routine hygiene examination if it has been quite some time since your last appointment. We look forward to seeing you soon.

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