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Missing Teeth

Importance of Replacing Missing Teeth

It can be disheartening and unsettling if you are missing a tooth. No matter the reason—whether it is decay, physical trauma, gum disease, a medical condition, or normal wear and tear—we know that many of our patients feel self-conscious. While you might feel alone in what you are going through, the American College of Prosthodontists estimates that 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. When patients are missing a tooth, the first thought always heads towards aesthetics or how it will impact the way a person looks. Although that is important, we also want to touch on the physical implications of a missing tooth on your oral health and why it is extremely important to replace a missing tooth as soon as possible.

Three Reasons to Replace Missing Teeth

When it comes to tooth loss, we often see patients who are only concerned about cosmetics, or the appearance of their teeth. While we understand that appearance is important, patients are often unaware of the severe oral health complications that can occur due to missing teeth. This is why we are adamant that patients replace missing teeth as soon as possible. Failure to replace missing teeth can lead to serious oral health complications. We want to share three of the most common reasons to replace missing teeth:

A Permanent Solution

Do you struggle to chew or eat food due to missing teeth? Are you looking for an alternative to dentures? While there are a few dental treatments that will restore missing teeth, dental implants are the longest lasting restorative treatment for this common dental condition. They give you back the look and feel of natural teeth so that you can eat, speak and smile knowing worry-free.

Advantages of Choosing Dental Implants

Have you recently had a tooth extracted? Or maybe you have learned that you are suffering from extreme decay and need to make a decision about a tooth replacement option. We know that it can be extremely upsetting to deal with tooth loss and extreme decay. We want to help get you on track and choose a tooth replacement as soon as possible. Our first recommendation to our patients is always a dental implant. A dental implant is a permanent tooth replacement option that can be used to replace one tooth, multiple teeth, or even complete arches of teeth.

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