Are You Struggling To Eat, Speak Or Smile?

Are You Struggling To Eat, Speak Or Smile?

May 4, 2020

Are you struggling to eat, speak or smile because of missing teeth? Does the gap in your smile cause you to avoid certain foods or social situations? Our patients who have had similar experiences have found that one restoration treatment in particular has been life changing. Would you like to know what it is? Read on to find out more.

When Missing Teeth Get in the Way

Tooth loss is a common dental condition that can be caused by injury, tooth decay, illness, or aging. Not only do missing teeth cause you to change how you eat, chew, speak and smile, they can negatively affect your oral health. When untreated, the gap left by a missing tooth or teeth allows adjacent teeth to shift out of place, which can cause problems with your bite. What’s more, without a tooth root to stimulate your jawbone, the bone can begin to shrink, putting your remaining teeth at risk for uneven wear and tooth loss.

Dental Implants to the Rescue

Our patients have found that dental implants look and feel just like their natural teeth. It’s also a popular choice because implants are the longest lasting dental restoration on the market today. Additional benefits include:

  • Allowing you to speak confidently — You may have noticed that missing teeth can cause you to mumble or slur your words. With dental implants, the secure and permanent fix allows you to regain a natural speech pattern.
  • Enable you to eat the foods you like — Implants function just like natural teeth so you can enjoy a juicy apple or sizzling steak.
  • They are easy to care for — Implants do not need additional cleaning. They are cared for just like natural teeth, with brushing, flossing and routine dental checkups.

If you want a long-term solution for a missing tooth or multiple missing teeth, consider dental implants. For more information on your particular dental needs, please call our office and we will be happy to speak with you.

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