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Dental Bridge

Is there a gap in your smile?

Dealing with tooth loss often leaves patients with various emotions. Some patients may feel discomfort due to a decayed tooth that needs to be removed, while others may be upset and struggling to come to terms with the situation at hand. We are sympathetic to what our patients are experiencing and are here to help in any way we can. One of the best ways we can help is by making a recommendation for a tooth replacement option. Replacing the tooth as soon as possible will help prevent changes to your bite and other problems. While we offer many tooth replacement options, there is one that can restore one tooth or multiple teeth at once. Read on to learn more about a dental bridge and why we may recommend this treatment.

The Tooth Replacement Dilemma…

Are you in need of a tooth replacement and are struggling to make a decision on which method to choose? There are many feelings involved when a tooth is lost and then needs to be replaced, and oftentimes it can be very overwhelming for patients to make the decision on a replacement. Our goal is to keep patients informed and help them make a decision on a treatment that will not only improve their quality of life but also be the best option for their lifestyle and budget. Interested in learning more about the tooth replacement options we offer to patients? Continue reading to learn more.

Restore Your Oral Health Today

At Parkside Dental Care, we are passionate about helping our patients have a functioning and beautiful smile that they can enjoy for many years, if not their entire lives. While it is always the ultimate goal to have healthy teeth that will last a lifetime, unfortunately, due to a variety of reasons, that is not always the case. Recurring decay, gum disease, side effects from illness and medication, and trauma to the mouth can all be reasons we may recommend a restorative dentistry treatment.

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