New Year, Healthier Smile

New Year, Healthier Smile

January 3, 2022

Have we recommended a treatment plan and you have postponed your appointment? Maybe it’s been some time since you’ve visited our office and you feel it’s too late to restore your smile. We are here to tell you that it’s never too late to receive the dental care you need to improve and restore your smile! The start of a new year is the perfect time to visit our office for an evaluation and put a plan into action. It is also a great time to schedule the treatment you have been postponing. Delaying needed dental care can lead to discomfort, additional costs, and can impact your overall health. Read on to learn more.

Don’t Delay Needed Treatments

We know that life is busy and it is easy to postpone your dental appointment or forget to schedule an appointment for a needed treatment. The more time that passes, the harder it can become to find the motivation you need to schedule an appointment. In the past, some of our patients have commented that they felt nervous or embarrassed about the length of time between treatments or the state of their oral health. We want to assure you that we never judge or make patients feel bad about the state of their oral health. Our goal is to make you feel comfortable and welcome in our office. We would love the opportunity to restore the health and function of your smile.

Dental Issues Don’t Improve on Their Own

Unfortunately, unlike some medical conditions, teeth that are decayed do not heal over time. Decay continues to worsen until the tooth needs to be extracted. If we recommended a dental treatment the last time you were in our office, we highly encourage you to call and schedule your appointment today. Being proactive with your dental health can help prevent the need for additional treatments, unnecessary discomfort, and added costs. We are proud to offer patients a number of restorative treatments for any form of decay or dental issue you may be experiencing. If you feel anxious or nervous, be sure to speak with our team before your appointment. We are happy to discuss the dental sedation options you have available during treatment.

The start of a new year is a great time to evaluate your oral health. If you are in need of a dental treatment or a hygiene examination, be sure to contact our office located in Montgomery, AL. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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