Importance Of Caring For Your Oral Health When Sick

Importance Of Caring For Your Oral Health When Sick

January 15, 2023

We can’t believe that the holidays are behind us and we are officially in 2023! We hope that you were able to reconnect with family and friends during the holiday season. Now that January has arrived and the holiday season has passed, we want to share some important information that you may need during this winter season. There are always some pesky illnesses that creep up during this time of year, and we want to remind you about the importance of caring for your oral health even when you are under the weather.

Ways to Care for Your Oral Health When Sick

We know that when you aren’t feeling your best it can be hard to care for yourself properly. Even on days when you aren’t feeling the greatest, it is still important to care for and be mindful of your oral health. Lack of oral care can lead to issues with dental decay. Here are two tips to keep your teeth healthy even when your body might not be:

Remember to Brush Your Teeth
When you aren’t feeling your best, you may want to skip brushing and cleaning your teeth. We always recommend taking a few minutes to clean your teeth, even if you aren’t feeling well. It is important to clean off the bacteria that is lingering on the teeth, especially because you may be drinking sugary soda or sports drinks to stay hydrated.

Replace Your Toothbrush
The American Dental Association recommends replacing your toothbrush every three months; however, it is important to replace your toothbrush after you have been sick, even if it is less than three months. Toothbrushes carry a number of bacteria that under normal circumstances are not harmful; however, after an illness, it is possible that you can reinfect yourself by simply brushing your teeth.

We kindly ask that you reschedule your appointment if you are feeling under the weather. If you are feeling healthy and are concerned about the state of your oral health, or it has been longer than six months since your last visit, we encourage you to call our office located in Montgomery, AL to schedule an appointment. We wish you health and wellness during the winter season and we hope you have a very happy 2023!

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