How To Keep Your Smile Healthy All Summer Long

How To Keep Your Smile Healthy All Summer Long

June 1, 2022

We don’t know about you, but we could not be more excited for summer. There is just something about the hot weather, longer days, and feeling of relaxation that comes along with this season. We have heard from many of you that you have plans to spend time with children and family, enjoy cookouts and reunions, as well as exciting travel plans. No matter what you have planned this summer, we want to encourage you to be sure you are maintaining your oral health. We would hate for summer fun to turn into winter problems. Continue reading to learn some helpful tips to ensure your mouth remains healthy and emergency free.

Maintaining Your Oral Health This Summer

We know that many of our patients have exciting plans this summer. Whether you are traveling or spending your time enjoying the local sights, we would hate for a dental emergency to ruin your plans. If it has been longer than six months since your last visit to our office, we recommend scheduling an appointment today. During these visits, we can detect any oral health issues that can lead to complications down the road. While an emergency can happen at any time, we can help lessen the chances by making sure your teeth are healthy. We also recommend:

Being Prepared
When traveling, it is important to be sure you have everything you need for your oral health routine. This is extremely necessary if you are traveling to a new location, since it may not be easy to get the products you need.

Continue Your Oral Health Routine
After a long day, it can be tempting to skip steps in your oral health routine. No matter how tired you are, it is important to continue to brush and floss as normal. Skipping steps can lead to the development of decay and the need for treatments in the future.

Drink Plenty of Water
Summer is a time of extreme heat. It can be tempting to reach for your favorite ice cold soft drink or sports drink. Unfortunately, these options often contain sugar. We recommend drinking plenty of water instead.

If you need to schedule an appointment, have any questions, or experience an emergency be sure to contact our office located in Montgomery, AL. We want to help you enjoy the summer with a healthy smile.

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