Did You Know

Did You Know

June 1, 2020

We do our best to make sure our patients’ teeth are clean and healthy, but hygiene habits practiced outside of our office have an even bigger impact on your oral health. We all need a refresher from time to time on the best ways to keep our teeth clean at home. Read more to learn how to keep your smile healthy and happy.

Did You Know…?

Here are some dental hygiene facts that you may or may not be aware of, but they are worth repeating to help keep you and your family’s teeth healthy:

  • Brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes twice a day — Yes, you should brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes, because that is how long it takes to remove bacteria from teeth.
  • There’s a difference between plaque and tartar — Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that can be removed by flossing. Once plaque hardens into tartar, it can only be removed by your dentist. If not removed, tartar can lead to gingivitis, which is the first stage of gum disease. Keep up with flossing to avoid this snowball effect!
  • Sugary and starchy foods are favorites for bacteria in your mouth — Bacteria eat these foods and give off acids that contribute to tooth decay. If you do eat sweets, be mindful and brush your teeth afterward, or try a mouthwash to help rinse away bacteria.

These are some basic tips that we like to remind our patients of so that you can feel empowered to care for your oral health. We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding routine dental habits or more complex treatments. Please let us know how we can help!

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